privacy policy

This privacy policy of personal (personal) data (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) applies to all data that Security Concern "Rodina" (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) can receive from the site visitor (hereinafter referred to as “ The subject of personal data ") and process in the process of any interactions with the subject of personal data.

Any use of any resources of the Operator means the full and unconditional consent of the Personal Data Subject to the terms of the Policy and the procedures for processing its personal data established in it. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Policy, the Subject of personal data should refrain from using the resources of the Operator.

1. Processing of personal data of the Personal Data Subject.

1.1. In the framework of this Policy, the "personal data of the Personal Data Subject" refers to:

1.a. Any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or designated individual.

1.b. Personal data that the Personal Data Entity provides about itself independently in the process of using the resources of the Operator. Any technical data allowing to determine the Personal Data Subject, as well as the characteristics, routes and addresses of the devices from which the Subject has made the personal data of the Operator’s resources (IP address, browser type, cookies, date and time of the visit, etc.), if such data is accumulated by certain services of the Operator.

1.g. Any other information about the Subject of personal data, the processing of which is provided for by the terms of this Policy, as well as by federal law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ (as amended on 02.22.2017) “On personal data”.

1.2. The operator does not verify the personal data for the accuracy provided by the Personal Data Subject, nor does it evaluate it. The operator will automatically consider all received personal data from the Personal Data Subject to be reliable. The responsibility for the accuracy of personal data lies with the Personal Data Subject.

2. The objectives of collecting, storing and using personal data of the Personal Data Subject.

2.1. The Operator collects and stores only those personal data that is necessary for the implementation of the Operator’s activities and the operation of its service, with the exception of longer storage of personal data in cases provided for by applicable law.

2.2. Personal data is collected and stored by the Operator for the following purposes:

2.2.a. To obtain contact information for the purpose of establishing legal relations with potential counterparties (identification, feedback, sending requests, notifications, information, etc.);

2.2.b. In order to improve the quality of the Operator’s service; For statistical and other marketing research through the use of personal data obtained in anonymous form.

2.2.d. For other purposes not prohibited by applicable law, contributing to the qualitative improvement of the Operator’s activities.

3. Conditions for processing personal data of the Personal Data Subject.

3.1. The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the principles and rules stipulated by this Privacy Policy and federal law of July 27, 2006 N 152-ФЗ (as amended on February 22, 2017) “On Personal Data”.

3.2. The Operator shall store the personal data of the Personal Data Subject in accordance with the rules of this Privacy Policy and regulatory legislation.

3.3. With respect to the personal data of the Personal Data Subject, its confidentiality is preserved, except for the cases when the Personal Data Subject voluntarily provides information about itself for general access to an unlimited number of persons.

3.3. Cases in which the Operator has the right to provide personal data of the Personal Data Subject to third parties:

3.3.a. With the direct consent of the Personal Data Subject to such actions;

3.3.b. If there are legitimate requests from authorized representatives of state power;

3.3.v. In cases where the provision of personal data is implied by the very essence of the relationship for which such data was provided by the Personal Data Subject;

3.3.g. In other cases permitted by law.

4. Modification and deletion of personal data. Mandatory storage of personal data.

4.1. The personal data subject has the right to change the personal data provided about himself at any time, if the specific service of the Operator functionally provides for such a possibility.

4.2. The Operator is obliged to keep all the data provided by the Personal Data Subject in the light of the changes made, including those originally submitted, if such an obligation is imposed on the Operator at the legislative level.

5.1. The operator will take all necessary and sufficient measures to prevent / obstruct access to the personal data of the Personal Data Subject, as well as take measures to protect data from unlawful destruction, copying, alteration, dissemination, etc.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable law.

6.1. The operator reserves the right to change the revision of this Privacy Policy at any time. In the event of a change in the Privacy Policy revision, the new Policy revision enters into force from the moment it is posted on the Operator's resource. The current edition of the Privacy Policy is available for permanent review on the page at:

6.2. The governing (applicable) legislation in relation to the interaction between the Operator and the Personal Data Subject regarding this Privacy Policy is the legislation of the Russian Federation.